Attractions around Bajina Bašta
Explore 7 attractions, restaurants, shops around Bajina Bašta
5.0 (60)
Tourist Information Center Bajina Basta
Kneza Milana Obrenovica 28, Bajina Basta 31250 Serbia
Tourists can get detailed information about Tara, Drina and Bajina Basta, including brochures, maps and guides, information on local attractions and things to do, as well as do souvenir shopping at the Bajina Basta Tourist Information Centre.
5.0 (43)
Reka Vrelo (One Year River - Reka Godina)
Perucac, Bajina Basta Serbia
5.0 (42)
Banjska Stena
Bajina Basta Serbia
4.5 (34)
Drina River House
River Drina, Bajina Basta Serbia
5.0 (20)
Zaovine Lake
Bajina Basta Serbia
4.5 (18)
The Monastery of Raca
Right bank of the Drina River, Bajina Basta Serbia
4.5 (14)
Perucac Lake
Bajina Basta Serbia